2011’s Top 10 Design Trends

Charles Cunniffe Architects

Here at Charles Cunniffe Architects, we always strive to create innovative, thoughtful, and unique buildings, and are constantly on the lookout for ways to accomplish this goal. There are some great design trends on the horizon, influencing everything from materials to aesthetics. Here are some of the top 10 residential resign trends for 2011, as seen on Residential Architect.

Honest Architecture-People are simplifying their lives, returning to basics, and embracing clean lines and back-to-basics architecture. Natural materials and pure, geometrical forms keep this simplified aesthetic elegant and chic.

Sensible Scale– The average home size is shrinking, with more homeowners requesting homes in the 2,400 to 2,800-square-foot range. This year signals a return to practical home design, rather than ego-satisfying displays of excess.

Healthy Homes– Many health and environment-conscious consumers have switched to organic foods, and that trend is extending into home design as well. Low-VOC building materials, natural products like bamboo, aspen, wheat, and eucalyptus, water filtration in appliances, and HVAC systems for improved air quality are all in high demand for 2011. The local foods movement will also affect kitchen design, as freezer space shrinks and refrigeration space expands to accommodate fresh, local foods.

Suburban Goes Urban– Community planners are starting to connect sprawling suburbs with areas of “light urbanism.” These suburban town centers are often the result of redeveloping failed shopping centers, strip malls, and empty big box retail spaces. The new, walkable spaces allow suburban residents a bit of the urban lifestyle, while maintaining the comfort and convenience of suburban life.

Going Green– Green building continues to grow, with features like drought-tolerant landscaping, passive solar design, rainwater catchment and the like becoming more and more common.

To read about the other top trends for 2011, check out 10 Residential Design Trends for 2011. If you’re in need of innovative architectural design, give us a call at 1-866-925-5590.

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